Adam Nixon

Adam Nixon

Adam Nixon is a dedicated writer at, where he focuses on providing valuable content to help veterans navigate their transition from military to civilian life. With a passion for supporting veterans, Adam works to ensure that past, present, and future veterans have access to the resources, tools, and benefits they need to succeed. His writing reflects the mission of Veteran Support Partners, focusing on employment, education, health, and financial stability, all with the goal of easing the challenges veterans face and helping them build a strong foundation for their future.
Battlefield Flicks: Movie Review For Unbroken

Battlefield Flicks: Movie Review For Unbroken

Angelina Jolie took on the 2014 film Unbroken as both director and producer. The movie focuses on U.S army officer Louie Zamperini’s journey during World War 2, including his 47 days being lost at sea and his eventual capture and torture from the Japanese at a...

Best College Resources For Military Families

Best College Resources For Military Families

Who Qualifies For Military Financial Aid? Most military scholarships require applicants to have served or currently serving in the Navy, Army, Coast Guards, Marines, or Air Force. There are also exceptions for high school students inspired to enlist in the military...

Common Misconceptions About The U.S. Military

Common Misconceptions About The U.S. Military

With over 20 million veterans and over a million active members, the US military makes up a small percentage of the over 330 million citizens living in America.This difference and the perception of military life have led many to develop common misconceptions about the...